Monday, February 27, 2023

Morning Announcements - February 27, 2023

Good morning Euclid High School where we are Respectful, Responsible, and Engaged. Today is Monday, February 27, 2023 and these are your morning announcements.

THE R-FACTOR - Panthers are STRONG! It takes great strength to manage your Response in a way that gets you an outcome that you can be proud of. Panthers possess a strength of self, and want to be the best version of themselves in all interactions. We have a Strength in our relationships with those in world, we realize it’s not just about me, it’s about we. Panthers have a Strength of Mind! We cannot be broken, we know what we do today impacts tomorrow. We are working towards building a trusting community. Form your response to establish an environment where everyone feels welcome by fostering meaningful relationships. Use your strength of self to build a community where everyone feels welcome. The responsibility for resources and support lies with everyone in our community.
It is time for our Black History Month fact of the day
Can you guess the approximate percentage of African Americans in the United States today?
a. The answer is approximately 14%, which is approximately 46 million people
b. The overall population of the US is currently 331 million people
c. White Americans account for roughly 60% of the population
d. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more people of color in the US than non-colored people! Wow!

Panther of the Week: 9th grader Tyler Gibson!  Teachers say that Tyler has an amazing work ethic and comes to class everyday ready to learn. He's a pleasure to have in class.

Staff Member of the Week:  Mrs. Mellen!!  Students say that Mrs. Mellen is always supportive, she is an amazing art teacher, she is funny, and she pushes her students to do their best everyday.  Congratulations Mrs. Mellen!  Ms. Costello will be around to give you both your prize.
Morning Friends! Student Council wants to wish Mrs. Pollack a Happy Birthday!

Attention Juniors: Your room assignments for the SAT this Wednesday, March 1st, were sent to your school emails. Check your email. They are also posted in the halls and cafeteria. Return your signed consent forms for the "College Planning Options" survey to the main office. Things you will need on Wednesday: your charged Chromebook, your charging cord and your ID.

Reminder. Girls and Boys Track Practice starts next Monday March 6th in the Outdoor Track Stadium.  Practice will start at 2:40 and end about 5pm.  Any questions see Coach Nosse or Coach Gasper.

Girls and Boys will run in the 2023 Indoor State Championships this Saturday March 4th at 2pm at the Geneva Spire Institute.  Eve Clark qualified in 4 events.  60 Meter Dash, 200 Meter Dash, Also the 4 by 200 and 4 by 400 Meter Relay with 3 other young ladies Mia Douglas, Tamra Houston, Dajanay Bailey.  The Boys qualified in the 4 x 200 Meter Relay Charles Atwell, Rich Buchanon, Teveon Meredith and Jordan Edwards.   Please wish them good luck.

Students!  Do you want to play in the Student vs. Staff Basketball game on March 16th? Scan the QR code on the basketball posters around the school and fill out the form!  You must be referral free for the 3rd quarter to participate.  Tomorrow is the last day to sign up!

Students!  As we start to move into the spring season, please remember our Euclid high school dress code:  shorts and skirts must be fingertip length, your stomach should NOT be showing, no sunglasses, no shirts with sleeves less than 3 fingertip in width, and no clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, or suggestive references.  You will be sent to the principal’s office if you violate these rules.

Bring out the best in you by pressing pause, getting your mind right, and cutting BCD out of your life, and have a great day at The Euclid High School.

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