Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Morning Announcements - May 16, 2023

Good morning Euclid High School where we are Respectful, Responsible, and Engaged. Today is Tuesday, May 16, 2023 and these are your morning announcements.

THE R-FACTOR - Discipline means the relentless pursuit of the best version of you
Be better today than you were yesterday, and be better tomorrow than you are today. Default is the absence of discipline.
Impulse is undisciplined emotion.
Autopilot is undisciplined habit.
Resistance is the unwillingness to do the work of getting better.
And that means when you operate with discipline, you give yourself more options and control. But when you operate on default, you give yourself fewer options and have less control. When you operate on default, you give control away to external circumstances, other people, and the randomness of life.
Every day is a battle for what directs your life
Intention versus Impulse
On-purpose versus On-autopilot
Skillful versus Resistant
Discipline versus Default
Choose Discipline
Discipline = training, and people committed to managing the responses to the events they face, live a life of discipline over default. Bring out the best in you today by being disciplined in your responses at The Euclid High School.

Announcement for the Biology Zoo Field Trip students - At the conclusion of 2nd period, you will report immediately to the Cafeteria and then to Door 13 to board the buses for the field trip. Again, at the end of 2nd period, report directly to the Cafeteria to check in with your teacher before boarding the bus at Door 13.

Students!  Please remember our Euclid high school dress code:  shorts and skirts must be fingertip length, your stomach should NOT be showing, no sunglasses, no shirts with sleeves less than 3 fingertip in width, and no clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, or suggestive references.  You will be sent to the principal’s office if you violate these rules.

Bring out the best in you by pressing pause, getting your mind right, and cutting BCD out of your life, and have a great day at The Euclid High School.

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