Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Morning Announcements - March 8, 2023

Good morning Euclid High School where we are Respectful, Responsible, and Engaged. Today is Wednesday, March 8, 2023 and these are your morning announcements.

THE R-FACTOR - RYFP, How do you plan on reaching your full potential as a student at EHS? Not all students are going to have straight A’s, but what is your plan to acquire the grades that you can be proud of? Your response to classwork, homework and tests has to put you in position to be proud of your grade. Grades are an indication of your progress, and achievement in class. Here’s a question I’ve been thinking of lately. How often do Euclid High School students study? How many hours per week are you putting in the work it takes to get the outcomes you want in class? Grades you can be proud of are not going to happen just by wishing for them, or speaking them into existence. It takes work to get them. That work is your response to the event of school assignments, which will get you the O of your grades. E+R=O is just the way life works, and if you practice good responses everyday you will reach your full potential.  

Students!  As we start to move into the spring season, please remember our Euclid high school dress code:  shorts and skirts must be fingertip length, your stomach should NOT be showing, no sunglasses, no shirts with sleeves less than 3 fingertip in width, and no clothing with inappropriate language, pictures, or suggestive references.  You will be sent to the principal’s office if you violate these rules.

Good morning, Students! Student Council is hosting an End of the Quarter Spirit Week next week. Start planning your outfits now!
Monday is Career Day-dress like your future profession!
Tuesday is 80s Nostalgia Day-wear your best 80s gear.
Wednesday is Senior Citizen Day-dress like an older person.
Thursday is Lucky Charm Day-carry around your lucky charm!
We look forward to seeing you next week!

Seniors - if you are college bound - don't forget to submit the Local Money Scholarship Application!  These scholarships are awarded to Euclid High School Seniors ONLY.  You can apply at  Check your school email for the link, sent from Mrs. Gonakis, or stop by to see Mrs. Gonakis in room H279E if you have questions or need help! Applications are due March 29th.

Attention ALL students!  The cafeteria will be closed at 7:25 am everyday.  If you are not in the cafeteria by 7:24 am, you will NOT be able to get breakfast.  Please arrive to school on time!  No students should be in the cafeteria at any time during the school day, except for lunch.

Bring out the best in you by pressing pause, getting your mind right, and cutting BCD out of your life, and have a great day at The Euclid High School.

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